
Once the necessary due diligence has been completed, the relevant project structures are resolved, and the project is ready to proceed, Landeq’s property development services can be tailored to suit your individual needs. From seeking relevant development permits, managing design, ecology and heritage, tendering and construction, to marketing, sales, settlements and the whole subdivision process, we can assist in whatever capacity you need to complete your development project.

Full Development Management 

If you lack the time or experience, we can provide a turn-key solution for you. We manage the people and processes to plan, design and deliver the project on your behalf, all while you maintain ownership and control, leaving you without the worries and with more time to focus on other things. We will:

  • Implement your approved project feasibility (or approved financial plans & budgets) and manage and liaise with you regularly on project performance
  • Negotiate planning and development conditions with all relevant stakeholders, including authorities and other stakeholders as required
  • Facilitate the engagement and management of required consultants to conduct the relevant due diligence, planning & design approvals, marketing, sales and contract administration, including any ecology and heritage constraints and opportunities
  • Oversee the tender and award of necessary contracts for construction and maintenance works
  • Co-ordinate and monitor the activities of contractors, consultants, relevant authorities and other stakeholders to complete the required works

Partial Development Management 

Should you only need our services to complete a critical phase or milestone, we can do that too.

Property Development Advisory 

If you prefer to take a more active role and have the time available to manage the people and processes yourself, but would be more comfortable with some experienced guidance, an advisory agreement is also an option.

Whatever your preference, our highly proficient property development service can help you unlock more value and provide the path for greater financial rewards.
